A downloadable game

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"Gradient" is a game similar to dominoes, but instead of dots on the two ends of the tiles, there are colors ranging from 0 (red) to 6 (purple), stretched in a gradient. The objective of the game is to match colors and share cultural facts, traditions, or customs that correspond to the colors on the tiles.

Game Rules


  • 28 Tiles: Each tile has two ends with colors ranging from red (0) to purple (6) in a gradient.
  • Color Guide: A list that associates each color with a specific theme related to cultural traditions or facts.


  1. Determine the Players: The game can be played by 2 to 5 players.
  2. Shuffle the Deck: Shuffle the 28 tiles and distribute them randomly to each player:
    • For 2 players: 7 tiles each.
    • For 3-4 players: 6 tiles each.
    • For 5 players: 5 tiles each.
  3. Starting Player: Decide who goes first, either by mutual agreement or randomly.

How to Play:

  1. Placing the First Tile: The starting player places the first tile on the table and shares a cultural fact, tradition, or custom related to one of the colors on the tile. The fact should be related to their culture or a culture they are familiar with.
  2. Connecting Tiles: The next player must connect a tile from their hand to the previously placed tile by matching one of the colors on the ends. Once they place their tile, they also share a cultural fact corresponding to the new color they connected.
  3. Continuing the Game: Players take turns connecting tiles and sharing cultural facts. If a player cannot make a move, they must pass their turn.

Winning the Game:

  • The game continues until all tiles have been placed or no player can make a legal move.
  • The winner is the player who has the fewest tiles left in their hand at the end of the game.

Additional Rules:

  • Color Themes: Each color corresponds to a theme, which can include topics like traditional foods, festivals, historical events, famous landmarks, or significant cultural practices. For example:
    • Red (0): Folklore Heros, Myths and Tales
    • Orange (1):  Festivals and Holidays (Year Circle)
    • Yellow (2): Famous Landmarks
    • Green (3):  Historical Events
    • Blue (4): New-born rituals and traditions (Naming, Baptising, etc)
    • Indigo (5): Wedding Rituals
    • Purple (6):  Funeral tradition
  • Sharing Facts: The cultural fact must be relevant to the player's culture (or a culture they know well). This encourages the learning and sharing of diverse cultural knowledge and allows us to ask some questions that are less appropriate in everyday life)
  • Respect and Inclusivity: Players must respect each other's cultural stories and traditions. This game is about building connections and understanding different cultures.


Through playing Gradient, participants learn about each other's cultures, traditions, and customs in an engaging and interactive way. The game not only provides entertainment but also fosters cultural awareness and appreciation among players.

Published 12 days ago
StatusIn development
CategoryPhysical game


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